Our Services

Media Relations
We’ll get you your 15 minutes — and more: press kits, news releases, backgrounders, tip sheets, and feature articles, all supported by strategies to catch the media’s eye and build long-term relationships.

Design and Production
From the picture to the page or screen it’s printed on: design to fit your image, format to meet your needs, and production to suit your timelines and budget.

We provide customized and already-developed courses and workshops on topics related to plain language, communications, policy development and implementation, writing, and editing. Visit our training page to learn more.

Video Services
We can produce and edit all kinds of videos: one-on-one interviews, conference presentations, speeches, news coverage, concerts, live streaming, webcasts, and meeting coverage.

Writing and Editing
From finding the words to crossing the t’s, we'll write and edit everything from a post to a book, from plain language to technical copy. We’re also professional proofreaders who can spot a dangling modifier and a misspelled name from 50 paces.